As part of the summer long Build! exhibit at The Longmont Museum, CoWLUG hosted a separate, special weekend layout, bringing custom designed LEGO trains out from the exhibit cases to run on tracks through a multi-layered mountain and town layout. Based on the steady flow of families throughout both days (August 3-4) our builders did not disappoint.

The view from the train yard corner.

The track layout allowed for multiple trains to run at the same time. Additionally, there were amusement park rides which ran and other mechanical creations (by Lester) with interactive buttons to delight kids who were thrilled to operate them.

A fun addition to the layout included road and rail bridges over a multilayered water scene devised by Reed (of both CoWLUG & DENLUG.) Designed to be viewed at toddler eye-level, it was a fun view for children not usually tall enough to see things at table level.

A new surprise made possible by this year’s LEGO LUG support program drew a group of kids around Reed for a chance to answer LEGO trivia and perhaps snatch up a coveted, new LEGO set. Many thanks to LEGO for providing support to CoWLUG so we can offer these giveaways at events.

Another view of the many layers of mesa, mountains and train tracks. There were a number of people who stayed for hours just studying all the details. Many thanks to Art for organizing the weekend event, and to all the builders who came out to participate. The Build! exhibit runs until September 22nd, 2013.