“Great space! Parts draft! Pizza! And beer?!” – Some of the things that could be heard at CoWLUG’s recent meeting, hosted by Christian of hobbydb in Boulder this past Monday night. All told, there were 27 members in attendance, and if I counted correctly, four of them were new members attending for the first time. This year CoWLUG has a goal of making meetings more regular and also more fun. Thanks to everyone who attended and contributed items or activities, we started out with a bang.

MOC sharing anchored the center of the space on the ping pong table, while (in the background) parts swapping and sales took place.

Freebies included plenty of instruction booklets for the taking (above) and bulk brick provided by LEGO as LUG support for 2014 (below.)

There were also a handful of LEGO sets provided as LUG support for 2014 which were distributed via a simple random draw from a box of all attending members’ names. Congratulations to those who went home with a free, cool set! Many thanks to LEGO and to Mark for bringing the goods to distribute.

And if that weren’t enough for any LEGO fan, Ryan H. graciously organized a parts draft with about 18 participants. Plans for upcoming meetings include regular parts drafts.

Ships by Joe H. covered a large part of the MOCs table (above.) And no matter where one stood in the space, it seemed Imagine’s gundam mech was picking out a target (below.)

There was actual LUG business tended to as well. Planning for several of this year’s displays were discussed, as well as what members would like to do for future meetings. Christian has offered up the hobbydb space for the rest of the year, with plans to host a meeting every other month. Check out CoWLUG’s group email list for details on that schedule. And just so you can all put faces to names, Christian and I (Jessica) posed for a quick photo (below.) We all look forward to a great year of some fantastic building and good times.