DCC has grown substantially from it’s first launch several years ago. So has CoWLUG! Just six members displayed LEGO builds on six small tables at that first event in 2012. This year there are over 20 members exhibiting work across dozens of tables arranged in configurations across enough floor space that one can no longer photograph the entire display in one photo frame.

Families of cosplayers abound throughout the exhibit hall. Here they happily look out over the expansive city and train display.

Lester is one of the original six to display at DCC. His steampunk builds and costumes are a favorite.

At the other end of the spectrum, both Alex & Cy represent some of our newest members. Affectionately dubbed ‘the Bionicle boyz’ by a few members, they and their expansive Bionicle display is a very entertaining addition to the CoWLUG family.

This is also the second year of collaboration at DCC between CoWLUG & DENLUG. Combining forces and brick makes for beautifully detailed displays. Ralph overlooks his cityscape as members finish with setup.

Derek’s robot and building (top, above) create a transition to spaceships by Joe (bottom, above.)

Jim’s ever-expanding, interactive amusement park is kept busy during all hours of the con.

Members who participate in the display work hard from start to finish, building, setting up, and speaking to fans. There is a little time for play. And of course for capturing some of the amazing cosplayers on the floor of the exhibit hall.

Inside Ian & Abby’s build area, there appear all kinds of miniature versions of the adult cosplayers. It’s not every day little Leia sits down with miniature Batman. LEGO makes it possible!

Ian works at getting more interactive aspects of the display up and running. His organization brought an unwieldy group of builders together into a brilliant display. From the beginning of our first invitation to DCC, it’s been a display that takes careful planning and dedication. I would personally like to thank Ian for taking the event to the next level for CoWLUG.

It’s not possible to photograph all three sections of the display unless one had access to a lift to hoist the camera up above the madness. From this vantage point, you can however see a bit of the expanse.

Theme builds of all sorts are popular at the event. Donnie does it up right and in vibrant color!

Imagine gets a visit from a live Songbird in front of his Bioshock build (above.) And the pilot for Sazabi stopped by to claim his mech (below,) also built by Imagine.

No one, however, seemed overly concerned about this guy showing up next to the LEGO. (Lord Business & the Kragle, below.)

Speaking of The LEGO Movie, Imagine chats with some enthusiastic fans marveling over the submarine brought to life from the film.

Enthusiasm is not limited to fans attending DCC. Nick, of ChiLUG (above), came to town with Alyssa (mosaic & table below) to share his expertly built weapons from various popular video games. The intricately detailed builds beg to be flaunted, of course.

The popularity of LEGO crosses over into several fandoms when one sees their favorite thing built out of the bricks. Before the exhibit hall opens, interviews are held for various media outlets. Jim, Imagine, Ian, Derek and Lester were snagged for the task.

The best part of Denver Comic Con is getting to hang out with fans of LEGO from the very smallest (top photo) to the most costume coordinated (bottom photo.) So if you didn’t get a chance to build for the event this year, or volunteer to interact with the visitors and with you had, put it on your calendar for next year and come join us. It’s sure to be a good time.