By Lester:
Greetings to all,
We had another successful Estes Park Train Show a few weekends ago, and I would like to thank all those who came up and helped with it. A total of 12 people had something to do with the show; some couldn’t make it, but sent their items with someone else. With the loan of track and base plates from Duane and Mark, we had a track layout with a large switchyard. The layout was in a U shape with two trains running on each side, Jim’s monorails on each side, plus the moving parade. It was like having seven trains running the whole time. It really impressed the people who attended as well as the train people. The weather was great this year, no snow or high winds. It did rain a bit in the afternoon on Sunday, but very light. I talked to one of the organizers of the show and they said attendance was great this year, but un-sure how many attended the show. Partly due to their new entry fee, so there were a lot of people showing up for both days on the same ticket.
The parade side of the layout:

The Switchyard area:

Eric’s buildings:

The moving parade:

As usual, we talked about next year’s show, and have decided to do the theme of Circus. Circus trains, parade, maybe a big top (not sure how), side shows and a caravel. Oh yes, on another section of the layout, Jurassic Farm. Start thinking of ideas for next year; what can you build?
Thanks again, everyone for your help.