Our 12th year at Rails In the Rockies has come and gone. We had fun as a group showing off some new MOC creations and enjoying some friendly time together at the show!
Evan brought his part of the Pirate collab both CoWLUG and DENLUG are participating in, his Thomas The Tank Engine, and more. The Pirates display was incredible with working lights, and a windmill!

The Old West collab with Donnie, Matt, and Evan is finally retired, and everyone is excited to repurpose or get parts back. This one went to several shows this year and had a great showing with Gavin for one of the shows! We’ll miss this one!

Jim brought his scooby doo meets john wick (Ha!) MOC for the show with great storytelling and push-button action for the train.

Donnie brought his latest version of his Alien base, and of course, Bob’s Burgers made its return with another show as well as his section of the Pirates collab!

Matt brought his growing Winter Village this year with a new layout, additions, and landscaping. Matt and Jim had a fun time working together to motorize the carousel for a future show, and we all had fun spending 2 hours trying to get the Powered-up app to work correctly to get the Winter Village Trolley to make a looped run….with no success. But we will eventually prosper! Teamwork makes the dream work!

Sam brought her incredible new Italia MOC and modified sets to show off.

Eric brought his winter village buildings and a new A-Frame winter village cottage.

Finally, Peter brought his powered carnival to the show!

Overall, we had a great but small showing, with this show’s lowest attendance in recent years. While it’s a little early to say, the consensus was this would be our last show at this event, but time will tell if we make it again! Thanks to Evan and Matt for collaborating to put this show together and to all the show attendees for making it another fun year!
Next is our monthly LUG meeting in late October, and we have some upcoming shows in November. We hope to see you there!
Photos: Matt Hudson / @moonmanbricks