April 2016 marked 10 years since the founding of the Colorado Wyoming LEGO Users Group. There was a wonderful turnout of CoWLUG members for a special celebration to honor the 10 years CoWLUG has been gathering and displaying unique LEGO MOCs across the Colorado and Wyoming region.

A huge thank you goes out to Abby for organizing the celebration and reserving space at Rock Bottom Brewery for both reminiscing as well as revelry.
There were old photos passed around from the years of displays showing some of the younger members growing up, growing better build skills, as well as facial hair. There were memories shared of members no longer with us, either because of moves or their untimely passing. The celebration certainly was not the same without the presence of Jim West – a reminder of how important it is to enjoy the times one has with good friends.

Goody bags and a gift exchange were both highlights of the evening, stirring the itch to get to building something new. Cheers everyone! Congratulations to 10 amazing years. Look how far CoWLUG has come in such a short time.