Rails on The Rockies 2016
February 13th and 14th
The Rails on The Rockies held annually over President’s Day Weekend in Estes Park was another fun filled weekend of model trains, LEGO, and Lester coming up with an idea out of the box. This year’s display theme was “Islands”. A train track was laidout out around various islands created to be humorous and practical, that had boats and ships that ran around them on the track. There was a kitchen island, Gilligan’s Island, Desserted Island and many more types of islands. A small amusement park had a standard train running around it and other city buildings. The “train” ships were something new and were quite popular amongst the crowd. Thanks to all the builders, about 13, who participated in a unique display layout.

Another fun year and can’t wait to see what Lester has planned. Thanks to: Lester, Art, Jim, Bill, Sam, Meghan, Michael, Nikoli, Nancy, Peter, Chris, (anyone I missed let me know). Early word for next year is “Steam Powered” not “SteamPunk”.